TiA CiBaNi's collection speaks to parent and kids alike. The first TiA CiBANi KiDS collection was created on a whim, when a longtime supporter of designer Tia Cibani asked her to create a children’s collection using fabric from her namesake women’s line. Tia delved into the colorful, artistic and tactile; choosing bold colors and crisp fabrics that have become the mainstays of each KiDS collection ever since. Having led the Creative Direction of Ports 1961 for several years, Tia is an industry veteran in designer women’s wear. She applies her deep knowledge of high craftsmanship to her current work making for heirloom quality children’s wear. Tia believes that good design should be inventive, uplifting and functional! She draws inspiration from her North African heritage and the world in which we live, making for a juxtaposition of poetic charm and modern day pragmatism.